The Enforcement Rules of the Estate and Gift Tax Act<br> Chapter 2【Estate and Gift Tax Calculation】 Article 7
For the part of taxable estate or gift eligible for exclusion from tax base calculation according to Subparagraphs 1 to 3, Article 16 of the Act, the taxpayer shall, upon filing the estate tax declaration, submit a document of proof declaring the beneficiary’s consent to accept the estate or gift to the competent tax authority for issuance of an Estate Tax Exclusion Certificate.
For such transfers by estate or gift, if the properties involved are immovables, the taxpayer’s failure to complete the property rights transfer registration within one (1) year of the date of issuance of the Estate Tax Exclusion Certificate; or if movables, the taxpayer’s failure to deliver to the beneficiary the estate or gift within three (3) months, unless under special circumstances where an extension request has been filed with the competent tax authority with an approval granted, the estate tax thereby accrued for the period of delay shall be paid by the taxpayer plus an interest payment at the fixed interest rate for one-year term postal savings deposit.