The amounts provided below will be adjusted starting from the following year each time the consumer price index (CPI) has risen more than ten percent (10%) cumulatively since the previous adjustment. The magnitude of adjustment shall be the actual rise in CPI, and the amount adjusted shall be in the unit of $10,000. Amount less than $10,000 shall be calculated in thousands and then rounded off to the nearest ten thousand:
(2)Amounts in each tax bracket;
(3)Daily necessities of the decedent and apparatus for professional use by the decedent that are excluded from gross estate; and
(4)Deductions for surviving spouse, lineal descendants, parents, siblings and grandparents of the decedent, standard deduction for funeral expenses, and special deduction for the disabled or handicapped heirs.
The Ministry of Finance should determine the amounts applicable to estate or gift cases in the next year by the provisions of the preceding paragraph and announce the same before the end of December each year. The term “consumer price index” shall mean the 12-month average consumer price index from November in the previous year to the end of October of the then current year published by the Directorate -General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of the Executive Yuan.