



中文 英文
1.所得稅法相關法規 1.Income Tax Act
1-1.所得稅法 1-1.Income Tax Act
1-2.所得稅法施行細則 1-2.Enforcement Rules of the Income Tax Act
1-3.各類所得扣繳率標準 1-3.Standards of Withholding Rates for Various Incomes
1-4.所得基本稅額條例 1-4.Income Basic Tax Act
1-5.所得基本稅額條例施行細則 1-5.Enforcement Rules of the Income Basic Tax Act
1-6.境外資金匯回管理運用及課稅條例 1-6.The Management, Utilization, and Taxation of Repatriated Offshore Funds Act
1-7.境外資金匯回管理運用及課稅作業辦法 1-7.Regulations Governing the Management, Utilization, and Taxation of Repatriated Offshore Funds
2.綜合所得稅相關法規 2.Individual Income Tax Act
2-1.薪資所得扣繳辦法 2-1.The Regulations Governing the Withholding of Tax on Salaries and Wages
2-2.納稅義務人與配偶分居得各自辦理綜合所得稅結算申報及計算稅額之認定標準 2-2.Standards of Identifying the Separated Taxpayer and His/Her Spouse Approved to File Their Individual Income Tax Returns and Calculate Their Tax Payable Separately
2-3.個人計算受控外國企業所得適用辦法 2-3.Regulations Governing Application of Calculating Income from Controlled Foreign Company for Individual
2-4.個人薪資收入減除必要費用適用範圍及認定辦法 2-4.Regulations Governing Scope and Identification of Allowable Deductions of Necessary Expenses from Individual Salary and Wages
2-5.外國特定專業人才減免所得稅辦法 2-5.Regulations Governing Reduction and Exemption of Income Tax of Foreign Specialist Professionals
3.營利事業所得稅相關法規 3.Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax Act
3-1.會計師代理所得稅事務辦法 3-1.Regulations Governing Certified Public Accountants Acting as Income Tax Agents
3-2.營利事業所得稅不合常規移轉訂價查核準則 3-2.Regulations Governing Assessment of Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax on Non-Arm's-Length Transfer Pricing
3-3.營利事業對關係人負債之利息支出不得列為費用或損失查核辦法 3-3. Regulations Governing Assessment of Interest Expenditure on the Debts Owed by a Profit-seeking Enterprise to a Related Party in Accordance with the Condition that the Related Payments Shall Not be Considered as Expenses or Losses
3-4.實際管理處所適用辦法 3-4.Regulations Governing Application of the Place of Effective Management
3-5.營利事業認列受控外國企業所得適用辦法 3-5.Regulations Governing Application of Recognizing Income from Controlled Foreign Company for Profit-Seeking Enterprise
3-6.公司或有限合夥事業實質投資適用未分配盈餘減除及申請退稅辦法 3-6.Regulations on Deduction of Undistributed Surplus Earnings and Application for Tax Refund for Substantial Investment Made by a Company or Limited Partnership
4.所得稅其他相關規定 4.Other Income Tax Act
4-1.民間機構參與重大公共建設適用免納營利事業所得稅辦法 4-1.Regulations Governing Application for Exemption from Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax by Private Institutions Participating in Public Infrastructure Projects
4-2.民間機構參與重大公共建設營利事業股東適用投資抵減辦法 4-2.Regulations Governing Application of Tax Credit to Profit-seeking Enterprise Shareholders of Private Institutions with Respect to Investments Made in Major Infrastructure Projects
4-3.民間機構參與交通建設免納營利事業所得稅辦法 4-3.Regulations Governing Application of Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax Exemption to Private Institutions Participating in Transportation and Communication Infrastructure Projects
4-4.民間機構參與交通建設適用投資抵減辦法 4-4.Regulations Governing Application of Investment Credit to Private Participation in Transportation Infrastructure Projects
4-5.民間機構參與重大公共建設適用投資抵減辦法 4-5.The Regulations Governing Application of Investment Tax Credits to Private Institutions Participating in Public Infrastructure Projects
4-6.嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎員工防疫隔離假薪資費用加倍減除辦法 4-6.Regulations Governing Tax Preferences for Quarantine Leave of Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens
5.加值型及非加值型營業稅法相關法規 5.Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act
5-1.加值型及非加值型營業稅法 5-1.Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act
5-2.加值型及非加值型營業稅法施行細則 5-2.Enforcement Rules of Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act
5-3.兼營營業人營業稅額計算辦法 5-3.Regulations for the Computation of Business Tax for Dual-Status Business Entities
5-4.統一發票使用辦法 5-4.Regulations Governing the Use of Uniform Invoices
5-5.統一發票給獎辦法 5-5.Uniform Invoice Award Regulations
5-6.銀行業保險業信託投資業證券業期貨業票券業及典當業經營非專屬本業收入範圍認定辦法 5-6.Regulations Governing the Scope of Non-Core Business Income of Banking, Insurance, Trust Investment, Securities, Futures, Commercial paper, and Pawn-Broking Businesses
5-7.營業人使用收銀機辦法 5-7.Regulations Governing the Use of Cash Register by Business Entities
5-8.營業稅特種稅額查定辦法 5-8.Regulations for Assessing Business Tax of Certain Business Entities
5-9.外籍旅客購買特定貨物申請退還營業稅實施辦法 5-9.Regulations Governing VAT Refund Claims by Foreign Travelers Purchasing Goods Eligible for VAT Refund
5-10.稅籍登記規則 5-10.Regulations Governing Taxation Registration
5-11.外國之事業機關團體組織在中華民國境內從事參加展覽或臨時商務活動申請退還加值型營業稅實施辦法 5-11.The Regulations Governing the Claiming of VAT Refunds for Goods and Services Eligible for VAT Purchased by Foreign Enterprises, Institutions, Organizations, or Associations Engaging in Exhibitions or Temporary Business Activities within the Territory of the ROC
5-12.銀行業保險業經營銀行保險本業收入範圍認定辦法 5-12.The Regulations Governing the Scope of Core Business revenues from the Banking and Insurance Business of the Banking and Insurance Industries
5-13.外國之事業、機關、團體、組織,在中華民國境內無固定營業場所,銷售電子勞務予境內自然人應申請稅籍登記之年銷售額基準 5-13.The Annual Sales Amount Criteria of a Foreign Enterprise, Institution, Group, or Organization Having No Fixed Place of Business within the Territory of the R.O.C. Which Sells Electronic Services to Domestic Individuals Shall Apply for Taxation Registration
5-14.營業人開立電子發票應傳輸至財政部電子發票整合服務平台存證之資訊範圍及時限表 5-14.Scope and deadlines for information that business operators must transmit to the E-invoice Platform of the Ministry of Finance for storage when issuing Electronic Uniform Invoices
6.印花稅法相關法規 6.Stamp Tax Act
6-1.印花稅法 6-1.Stamp Tax Act
6-2.印花稅法施行細則 6-2.Enforcement Rules of Stamp Tax Act
7.期貨交易稅法相關法規 7.Futures Transaction Tax Act
7-1.期貨交易稅條例 7-1.Futures Transaction Tax Act
7-2.臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司匯率類期貨契約期貨交易稅徵收率 7-2.The futures transactions tax rate in foreign exchange futures contracts offered by Taiwan Futures Exchange
8.證券交易稅法相關法規 8.Securities Transaction Tax Act
8-1.證券交易稅條例 8-1.Securities Transaction Tax Act
9.貨物稅相關法規 9.Commodity Tax Act
9-1.貨物稅條例 9-1.Commodity Tax Act
9-2.貨物稅稽徵規則 9-2.Regulations for the Collection of Commodity Tax
9-3.中央系統型冷暖氣機貨物稅折算課徵辦法 9-3.Regulations for Computing and Levying Commodity Tax for Central Air Conditioning Systems
9-4.軍用貨品貨物稅免稅辦法 9-4.Regulations for Exemption of Commodity Tax on Goods for Military Use
9-5.油電混合動力車輛適用減半徵收貨物稅之標準 9-5.The Standards for Hybrid Electric Vehicles to Apply for One Half Tax Rate of the Commodity Tax
9-6.老舊大型車報廢換購新大型車減徵退還新車貨物稅辦法 9-6.Regulations of Reduced/Refund Commodity Tax for the Purchase New Heavy-duty Vehicle with Scrapping of Old Heavy-duty Vehicle
9-7.購買電冰箱冷暖氣機除濕機減徵退還貨物稅辦法 9-7.Regulations of Refunding Reduced Commodity Tax Amount in Purchasing Refrigerators, Air Conditioners and Dehumidifiers
10.菸酒稅法相關法規 10.Tobacco and Alcohol Tax Act
10-1.菸酒稅法 10-1.Tobacco and Alcohol Tax Act
10-2.菸酒稅稽徵規則 10-2.Regulations for the Collection of Tobacco and Alcohol Tax
11.遺產及贈與稅法相關法規 11.Estate and Gift Tax Act
11-1.遺產及贈與稅法 11-1.Estate and Gift Tax Act
11-2.遺產及贈與稅法施行細則 11-2.The Enforcement Rules of the Estate and Gift Tax Act
11-3.華僑回國投資其經審定之投資額課徵遺產稅優待辦法 11-3.Regulations for Preferential Estate Tax on Investment by Overseas Chinese
12.土地稅法相關法規 12.Land Tax Act
12-1.土地稅法 12-1.Land Tax Act
12-2.土地稅法施行細則 12-2.The Enforcement Rules of the Land Tax Act
12-3.土地稅減免規則 12-3.Land Tax Reduction and Exemption Regulations
12-4.水源特定區土地減免土地增值稅贈與稅及遺產稅標準 12-4.Standards for the Reduction and Exemption of Land Value Increment Tax, Gift Tax, and Estate Tax on Land in Water Sources Districts
13.房屋稅條例相關法規 13.House Tax Act
13-1.房屋稅條例 13-1.House Tax Act
13-2.住家用房屋供自住及公益出租人出租使用認定標準 13-2.Standards for the Recognition of Owner-Occupied Houses and of the Status of an Individual to Rent Premises for Public-Welfare Purposes
14.契稅條例相關法規 14.Deed Tax Act
14-1.契稅條例 14-1.Deed Tax Act
15.使用牌照稅法相關法規 15.Vehicle License Tax Act
15-1.使用牌照稅法 15-1.Vehicle License Tax Act
16.娛樂稅法相關法規 16.Amusement Tax Act
16-1.娛樂稅法 16-1.Amusement Tax Act
17.稅捐稽徵法相關法規 17.Tax Collection Act
17-1.稅捐稽徵法 17-1.Tax Collection Act
17-2.稅捐稽徵法施行細則 17-2.Enforcement Rules of the Tax Collection Act
17-3.電子稅務實施辦法 17-3.Regulations Governing Electronic Taxation Matters
17-4.納稅義務人申請延期或分期繳納稅捐辦法 17-4.Regulations Governing the Deferral and Installments of Tax Payment for the Taxpayer
17-5.納稅者權利保護法 17-5.The Taxpayer Rights Protection Act
17-6.納稅者權利保護法施行細則 17-6.Enforcement Rules of The Taxpayer Rights Protection Act
17-7.稅捐稽徵機關辦理核定稅額通知書公告送達辦法 17-7.Regulations for the Public Declaration for Serving the Notice of Tax Assessment by the Tax Authority
18.財務罰鍰處理相關法規 18.Allocation of Fines
18-1.財務罰鍰處理暫行條例 18-1.Temporary Act on the Allocation of Fines
19.記帳士法相關法規 19.Certified Public Bookkeepers Act
19-1.記帳士法 19-1.Certified Public Bookkeepers Act
19-2.記帳士證書核發辦法 19-2.Rules Governing Issuance of Certificate of Public Bookkeeper
19-3.記帳士懲戒委員會與懲戒覆審委員會組織及審議規則 19-3.Organization and Operation Rules of Disciplinary Committee and Disciplinary Re-examination Committee of Certified Public Bookkeepers
19-4.記帳及報稅代理人懲戒委員會與懲戒覆審委員會組織及審議規則 19-4.The Rules of the Organization and Operation of the Disciplinary Committee and the Disciplinary Re-examination Committee for Bookkeeper and Tax Return Filing Agents
19-5.記帳士暨記帳及報稅代理人防制洗錢與打擊資恐辦法 19-5.Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing for Certified Public Bookkeepers and Bookkeeping and Tax Return Filing Agents
20.地方稅法通則相關法規 20.The Act Governing Local Tax Regulations
20-1.地方稅法通則 20-1.The Act Governing Local Tax Regulations
21.特種貨物及勞務稅相關法規 21.The Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act
21-1.特種貨物及勞務稅條例 21-1.The Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act
21-2.特種貨物及勞務稅條例施行細則 21-2.The Enforcement Rules of the Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act